community investment
to Thriving Sponsorship
The Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs is a state agency dedicated to elevating the needs of our most vulnerable communities to state leaders and promoting opportunity, well-being, connection and thriving for all who call Utah home. The Pathways to Thriving sponsorship program supports community-led, nonprofit initiatives to expand opportunities for underserved Utahns and those experiencing social and economic hardships. The funding sponsors events, conferences, trainings or workshops that build capacity, knowledge and skill sets for more Utahns to thrive.

The one-time Strengthening Capacity Grant is a funding project that aims to bolster the effectiveness of Utah-based nonprofit organizations by investing in their internal processes and procedures. Many of the emergency assistance grant opportunities related to the pandemic have now concluded. Although these grants offered a temporary lifeline, a significant number of them did not facilitate capacity-building initiatives aimed at fortifying nonprofits internally.
Building capacity within nonprofits in this new post-pandemic landscape is important in strengthening organizational health, which in turn supports the services delivered to the broader community. The funding is actively dedicated to aiding nonprofit organizations in crafting an efficient and enduring strategy.
We offer special thanks to IKEA for their collaboration in making this grant opportunity possible.
Applications are officially closed for 2024. Please stay connected to hear when the next grant cycle begins.
Only 501(c)(3) organizations located within, and serving the people of Utah, with an annual operating budget between $125,000 and $500,000 may apply. In an effort to expand opportunities and greater access to resources, organizations who primarily serve communities experiencing social and economic hardships will be prioritized.
The following organizations are ineligible to apply:
- Fiscal sponsors
- Current grant recipients
- Former grant recipients with overdue reports
Focus Areas
Applications must align with one of the following focus areas:
Timeline: Key Dates
January 16, 2024
Applications Open
March 8, 2024
Applications Close at 5 PM MST (no exceptions)
April & May 2024
Application Reviews
June 2024
Award Notifications
June & July 2024
Contracts Issued
July 2024
Payments Issued